Monday, November 24, 2008

A western chronology of Kakadu

60000 BC first people come to Australia via what is known today as Indonesia.
35000 BC first rock paintings – simple hand prints
20000 BC rock paintings depicting large naturalistic figures.
18000 BC edge ground stone axe worlds first technology
10000 BC Rainbow Serpent Ngalyod first appears in rock paintings. Still painted and revered today making it the oldest religious icon of mankind. Man first moves into villages and practices agriculture (in the middle east)
7000 BC X ray paintings first appear in Kakadu
5000 BC Egyptians build first Pyramids
1500 BC Freshwater floodplains form in Kakadu
0 Birth of Jesus of Nazareth
1600AD Macassan mariners seasonally visit Top End shores till 1904. First boat people
1644 Tasman mapped part of Australia’s northern coast
1788 White man arrives to settle in Australia – the First Fleet
1803 Capt M. Flinders passed through on first circumnavigation of Australia
1818 Navigator PP King named the three Alligator Rivers before sailing onto Timor
1824 Capt J. Bremer claims Kakadu for the British Crown
1828 First water buffalo shipped from Indonesia to Coburg Peninsula NT
1830 First rock art featuring sailing vessels.
1838 Military settlement established at Pt Essington NT
1845 L. Leichardt crosses Kakadu.
1869 Darwin established
1880’s Pine Creek Goldrush, First record of Gagadju people visiting Darwin. Commercial buffalo shooting begins. Paddy Cahill first visits region.
1906 Paddy Cahill takes up residence at Oenpelli.
1907 American / Australian Scientific Expedition – Baldwin Spencer visits area and calls the people Gagadju.
1919 Influenza pandemic claims 25 – 50% of Aboriginal people Australia wide.
1931 Arnhem Land declared an Aboriginal reserve.
1942 Many Gagadju people removed from their land by the army
1964 Nadjomboli paints last major rock painting at Burrunguy, Kakadu
1977 Fox Enquiry report recommends 1) Kakadu National Park be established and 2) Uranium mining go ahead
1978 Kakadu National Park declared
2003 Jabiluka mine stopped. Veto with the traditional landowners – Mirrar clan.